The procedure takes place in such a way that after the administration of anesthesia, the patient waits for a while in the waiting room for its effect.
Subsequently, the tooth is released from the dental bed with surgical instruments and the wound is treated.
The patient then usually bites into a sterile tampon to stop the bleeding. This usually happens in a few minutes.
It is extremely important that the patient informs us about his health condition before the extraction, especially allergies, blood clotting problems, possible heart problems, medications he is taking and when he took them.

In our practice, we try to adhere to the principle of preserving the patient's own teeth until old age. Sometimes it happens that the damage to the tooth or adjacent tissues is so great, or causes pain and inflammation, that it is necessary to proceed with the removal of the entire tooth - Extraction, or the problematic root (Hemiextraction).
Despite the fact that tooth extraction is a feared procedure for patients, we perform it painlessly after the previous perfect anesthesia. We try to make the performance last as short as possible.

After leaving the clinic, it is important that the patient does not eat immediately and does not rinse the wound with water or any other irrigation fluids. It is not suitable to exert yourself physically. In the evening, we recommend raising your head (two pillows) to reduce the risk of re-bleeding.
Although it is normal for the wound to be "dirty" even after a few hours, we recommend that you see a doctor if you notice bleeding. He treats the wound with preparations to stop the bleeding, possibly sutures the wound, or apply an injectable medication to stop the bleeding.