We will get rid of your toothache
Pain is probably the most common symptom that prompts a patient to visit a dental clinic urgently. It accompanies tooth decay, diseases of the dental pulp, inflammations, either in bone structures or in soft tissues.
Pain in dental caries manifests itself individually in different stages of depth, but there are common cases when, despite the devastating caries affecting the nerve of the tooth, the patient does not feel any pain at all.
The most common manifestation of pain in tooth decay is predominantly pain to cold, warm, sweet, sour stimuli, as well as pain to bite.
When the dental pulp is damaged or inflamed, there is dramatic pain that may not even respond to painkillers. Inflammation of the dental nerve in the acute stage wakes the patient up at night, does not even let him lie down, sometimes forces him to cool the tooth with cold water to relieve it. The pain comes suddenly, is prickly, stabbing, often throbbing and very intense and radiates to the eye, ear or temples. It is always persistent and forces almost everyone to visit the ambulance. Very often, the tooth is already painful to touch and bite. Another type of pain is typical pain arising from inflammation in the bones and periodontium. These are mostly dull, but intense, pulsating, radiating, accompanied by a feeling of pressure and tension. It is often accompanied by increased temperature and swelling of varying intensity. Another category are pains that manifest themselves in the oral cavity or radiate to the jaws and face, but their origin is in other organs. In these cases, the diagnosis is very difficult and must be kept in mind at all times. It can be various diseases of the nervous system (inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve), it can be causes in the jaw cavities (allergies, inflammation of the sinuses, cysts and others) A special group of pains consists of pains in the tongue and in the mouth, the cause of which is unknown and grouped together under the diagnosis Stomatodynia and Glossodynia. They mostly occur in women over the age of 50 and can lead to unnecessary tooth loss, where the pain manifests itself, even on healthy teeth. Diseases of the salivary glands, Diseases of the cervical spine, diseases of the external auditory canal, middle ear and many other conditions, facial injuries, and many other disease.

Diagnosis is sometimes very difficult and requires a precise examination by a doctor and other examinations, such as intraoral X-ray, Orthopantogram, 3D X-ray, and others
As soon as we establish the diagnosis and the cause of the problem, as long as it is located in the tooth, dental nerve, periodontics, jaws, periosteum, we immediately intervene and perform an operation on the patient to eliminate and relieve the pain. Sometimes with the support of drugs such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

In case the source of pain is in an organ other than the oral cavity, we make a consultation with a specialized workplace and forward the patient to such a practice.